January 3rd - 53 degrees Fahrenheit

Click on photos to see Valentine Creek today. Lark is secured to her mooring pending winter's blast - meantime little sparrows are rustling in the cattails, small schools of fish busy about life, and under the rising tide at the little beach, the sand shows prints of the determined feet of the Great Blue Heron who lives here. 

My morning walk goes by the Severn

My morning walk is a mile round, turning left uphill from my cottage, winding around to arrive at the overlook, a hundred feet above the Severn Narrows, then down steps to a little beach, Whitney's Landing ....    click to view ....

Lycoris from a friend

Three years ago a friend gave me lycoris bulbs from her late father's garden ... they are starting to bloom now, surrounded by wild mint - so delicate and have their own subtle hint of perfume .... August heat yet morning peace ....

The scent of lemon verbena

Can you remember the scent of lemon verbena  .... extraordinary and unique, released crushed as I gather the dried leaves ... I will have tisanes of vervaine ..and the pleasure of running my fingers through the gloriously scented leaves - until…

Can you remember the scent of lemon verbena  .... extraordinary and unique, released crushed as I gather the dried leaves ... I will have tisanes of vervaine ..and the pleasure of running my fingers through the gloriously scented leaves - until the delicate shrub revives outside in the sunshine and warm rains next May.

Rowing in November

Mild southerly air on Valentine Creek. Sunday 30 November, 50 degrees Fahrenheit already at 10 am. An easy row around the creek - check Lark's moorings, cover .... so good to stretch, dip, pull, pause .... listen to faint bird calls ...and the …

Mild southerly air on Valentine Creek. Sunday 30 November, 50 degrees Fahrenheit already at 10 am. An easy row around the creek - check Lark's moorings, cover .... so good to stretch, dip, pull, pause .... listen to faint bird calls ...and the splash and drip of the water, chuckling along Lark's sides .....

November Glory

Click to view second photo.  November 12th, warm breeze from southwest, and incredible sunshine as the sun's declination changes. Each day is so precious here in Arden.

End of season

Click to view photo gallery ....    exquisite day - but time to row Lark's sails ashore and stow them in the Shed. Lark will stay on her moorings for the coming winter.