Click on images to view Gallery. New works on paper, feeling those golden sailing times .... touching paper with pastel, crayon, conte, watercolors and acrylic medium ....
Round Bay on the Severn, above Annapolis on the Chesapeake. Gentle evening racing, almost every boat a different size and type, yet truly Corinthian racing, no protests allowed! (Evening Racing on the Severn 2015 8x5 inches Conte Pastels, masking fluid and watercolors on Cartridge paper)
Sea Drawing I, Conte Pastel, watercolor, acrylic matte medium and gel on cartridge paper. 18 in x 24 in. 2014
Ancient boats in ancient waters. Time out of mind.
"Eleuthera from the Atlantic" 2014 acrylic on Langton watercolour paper 11" x 14" Noontime memories of a slow delivery sail from BVI to Florida.
Sea Study Bahamas Memory Watercolor on Bockingford paper 10"x14" 2014. Memories of long, hot, delivery sail from BVI to Florida.

Sea Study towards large canvas Acrylic Collage on paper 8x5 2015
Sea Drawing 2 2014 40x24 Charcoal Micaceous iron oxide and bronze acrylics on paper
Sea Studies Bahamas series 2014 Watercolor each 10x14
Ice on the Severn 2014 acrylics on paper 24x18in