Miniature daffodil, Chaenomeles (Japonica) buds, first violet and glorious perfumed Mahonia (Oregon Grape), all a month early, thanks to this wonderfully mild winter.
Glorious gift!
Harvest of carrots late August - from a 50 cent packet of seeds …. grateful for glorious flavor !
Despite great heat in August, and only occasional rain, this morning I dug a great harvest of delicious carrots, sown in April from a 50 cent packet of seeds. Grateful!
If the perfume could reach you ...
Hyacinths in the sunlight ...but it is their perfume that fills the room ...
Spring So Soon ... !!!
The power of the tiny crocus leaf piercing the oak leaf as it grows, blooming in the February warm-up in Maryland.
July already !!!!!
Spring has gone by so quickly - in Maryland it is a speeded-up movie .... daffodils, tulips, peonies, honeysuckle .... asparagus and now the harvest of garlic, new potatoes, zucchini. Gladioli love this garden, seed themselves and come back in quantity each summer ..... and the lilies stay out in the cold winter in their planters, their seedlings growing larger each year. Grateful !!!
Happy New Year: just 12 weeks until Lark sails again
Click to view photos of ice and leaves and Valentine Creek and Lark on this sunny New Year's Eve. Serious winter still to come, icebreakers on the Chesapeake ... but will be able to sail Lark again at the end of March. Happy 2017 everyone!
Come in out of the cold!
Click to enjoy! This pot of cactus sat outside in a sheltered sunny corner all summer. Now that nights are freezing in Maryland, just 10 days in the warm studio windowsill, look at the wonderful blossoms ! Not Christmas, but Thanksgiving Cactus!
Green tea in the sunshine ...
What a difference cool air in July makes here in Maryland! Rowing out to Lark, for a while on board in the early morning, then weeding the asparagus bed, then concocting some sun tea ... green tea with jasmine, handful of mint and juice, grated rind, and sliced up Meyer lemon brought back from the garden of a friend in California .... aaaah .... grateful!
Breakfast with peonies
Click to view photos ... Perfume fills the long border and my home this morning .....
How low does the water drop ...
Click to view photos ... the natural sand of our Arden on the Severn beaches .....
Easter Sunday .... the new day
Click to view ... On this sweet Easter morning ....
Winter's last hurrah .... ?
Click to see photos: 6.20 am A touch of spring snow this morning. This will be so good for the early vegetable seeds and the patch of grass seed I sowed already. All good !
Tulip joy
Two weeks of quiet joy .... still fine and glorious ....
Escape at last!
Escaped from the cottage at last - floods of rain washed away the snow - and then the skies blew clear ... blue and lovely and 50 degrees .... haze of buds on the trees ....
Slowwwwwwly ....
Click to view Last day of January, to be 50 degrees F today. Slowly, slowly the snow is melting under the icy crust ....
Breathe in the perfume ...
Breathe in the perfume of these hyacinths ....
Magnificent - mid winter
Amaryllis, dull bulbs with empty pots and loose fiber to wet .... and a couple of weeks later, MAGNIFICENCE !!!! Click to view